Friday, August 14, 2009

Notification >> Missing Wallet !

Tanggal 11 Agustus 2009, saya menerima sebuah telepon dari no. 081372017439. Kata orang itu ada sebuah dompet without owner, dimana di dalam dompet itu ada kartu nama saya. Jadi di kiranya saya adalah teman dari pemilik dompet itu. Dompet itu berisi KTP, ATM, SIM, dll.

Pemilik dompet bernama "Denet" !? Saya tidak kenal dengan nama ini, mungkin bagi ada yang kenal nama ini atau similar name of it, please let him know! Saya sudah pernah mengalami kasus kehilangan dompet dulu di BCS, sedih d rasanya. Jadi tolong sebarkan informasi ini, mana tau yang terlibat adalah teman-teman dekat anda. TQ

Friday, August 7, 2009

Cell Phone Manufacturer Code

There's a way to know that your mobile is original or not.

Press *#06# on your mobile, it'll show an identity number for international mobile equipment. There's 15 identity number will be shown. Check the 7th and 8th numbers.

For example : (xxxxxx00xxxxxxx)

This 2 numbers will be the code of which cell phone manufacturer

If the code is 13 means that your cell phone was assembled in Azerbaijan (very bad quality)
If the code is 02 or 20 means that your cell phone was assembled in China (very bad quality)
If the code is 08 or 80 means that your cell phone was assembled in Germany (fair quality)
If the code is 01 or 10 means that your cell phone was assembled in Finland (very good quality)
If the code is 00 means that your cell phone was assembled in original factory (best quality)

Luckily my cell phone's identity 7th and 8th numbers is "00", which means the best quality from original factory. So what cell phone manufacturer code will shown on your cell phone? Check it out !!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Different Between TV and Handphone

Some people just confuse what is the different between TV and Handphone.
Well actually its related with the different between Wife and Girlfriend.

Well lets begin the differences :

  • Wife is like TV, Girlfriend is like Handphone.
  • At home watch TV, Go out bring Handphone.
  • No money, sell TV. Got money change Handphone.
  • Sometimes enjoy TV but most of the time play with Handphone.
  • TV free for life but Handphone, if you don't pay, the services will be terminated.
  • TV is big, bulky and most of the time old but Handphone, is cute, slim, curvy and very portable at any time.
  • Operational cost for TV is often acceptable but for Handphone is high and often demanding.
  • Most Important, TV got remote but Handphone doesn't have.
Last but not least.......

TV do not have virus but HP have VIRUS....
Once get it you'll game over.

So that's the different between TV and Handphone, please be careful.